Vagabond Sphinx

Why do we fear that which we can not see? With fear comes doubt, and with doubt comes anxiety. Such was the way my day played out.
I got a haircut.
No big deal, for most people. I, however, am extremely indecisive. There isn't a word to describe exactly how indecisive I am. As such, something as semi-permanent as a haircut can be a nightmare for me. I walked into the hairstyling academy with four pictures in my hand; all the pictures were different. I wanted something that resembled them all.
As my hair fell away to the floor, everything was going fine. It was looking just as I had pictured. But by the time she was finished, something about it was just... wrong. I couldn't figure it out at the time. But know I know what the problem is; it's too short at the front. Eventually, though, it'll grow back. Until then, I will have to live with my mistakes. Perhaps this will be a lesson for the next time I get my hair cut.


posted by Scarlet Gypsy @ Sunday, March 25, 2007  
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Name: Scarlet Gypsy

About Me: I am an unknown, an enigma. I am misunderstood by all, yet unable to understand myself. For now, I am the Scarlet Gypsy; roaming from place to place, from thought to thought, until I can find myself under all the dust.
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