Vagabond Sphinx

Stability and Confidence
The train wreck that has been my life the past couple of weeks is almost right again. Soon, the last survivors will be out and free, and the dead will be laid to rest. Then, the train can start on its merry way once more, along with a few souls who have decided to take their chances and brave another crash.
...Alright, so my analogy isn't the best. But you get the picture, right?
It just seems like things are getting better and better. Things are finally starting to become stable, which is good. School is stable (lotta good that does now, though, eh?), life at home is becoming stable, my relationship is stable (though it wasn't really unstable to begin with). Really, it all comes down to me being able to live my life again, how I want to live it. I've gotten my confidence back, and it makes me feel free. I'm not afraid to speak my mind anymore, I'm not afraid to look people in the eye and tell them what I think. Sure, it may get me in a little bit of trouble tomorrow, but only if others give me that chance.

I'm beginning to love life again, and everybody in it with me. Friends are an amazing thing to have, and I don't think I'd be here now if it weren't for some of you guys. Daydream Believer, Loud, Psycat, Janelle, Gold... Thanks guys =D

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posted by Scarlet Gypsy @ Thursday, June 14, 2007  
  • At 10:06 p.m., Blogger Daydream Believer said…

    I think everyone goes through loops like that. Good to see that you're getting to a high point again. They're much more fun.

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Name: Scarlet Gypsy

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