3.29.2007 |
My day... On Paper! |
Well, I got bored. What's a bored blogger to do? Blog on paper, that's what! So, enjoy what I had to write today. It may not make much sense, but here it is anyways; all in it's wonderful, papery goodness!
Well, it's literacy test day. A morning full of boring questions and uninteresting snacks. At least I've got interesting people nearby. Midnight Rose is in the row beside me, one seat ahead. Orange Mistress is on my other side, three seats back. My first booklet is done, and I'm blogging on paper. At least I ain't coding on paper again! One of the questions in this booklet was "choose a time of year and explain how it makes you feel." This was the only question I truly got mad at. See, there weren't enough lines for me to truly write about all the joys of Autumn. Oh well, no harm done. Later Okay, well, that was a pretty stupid test. I mean, don't you think by grade 10 they would have weeded out all the illiterate kids by now? Is this really a necessary test to be taking? Sure, I ain't the greatest speller in the world, andI make up words... But who doesn't see what's wrong with the sentence "Dr. Brown, like other doctors, study diseases."? To top off my general disappointment, I didn't get a cookie! I didn't get a cookie, and I couldn't have the juice! They just HAD to bring in apple and orange. Thank god for Dr. Pepper! Interesting. I started off the day with 3 pieces of paper. Now I have. This one. Poor Midnight Rose. The teacher just gave her some strange paper from the recycle bin to draw on. She has no idea what to do. It's pretty funny.
In other news, I might be going out for another haircut in 2 weeks. I really want to get rid of these bangs; they're very... unattractive/ugly/bleh. Heh... How would EQAO react to this blog? With all the /s and unnecessary +s, ...s and ,s. And the mehs, blehs, hehs, etc. And the sentences starting with and.
... I don't know what to take instead of the wonderful coop next year. Philosophy + tech? Philo + Guitar? Philo + Spare? Philo + Ancient History? Ancient cultures are interesting. I love watching the three discovery channels: Civilization (My favorite!), Regular (2nd), and HD (dif. shows from reg, don't watch often).
I am bored bored bored, and theres a circle engraved on my desk. A perfect circle, too. Just goes to show some things can be perfect. Can't wait for lunch. I'll be posting this after school, probably. RAWR.
You know... I should probably start working on my Psych essay. After all, it is my summative, and I need the research done in 30 days...
(The end!)
So, that was my day in a nutshell while I was writing it.Labels: Memoir, Soapbox |
posted by Scarlet Gypsy @ Thursday, March 29, 2007 |
Vagabond Sphinx
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Name: Scarlet Gypsy
About Me: I am an unknown, an enigma. I am misunderstood by all, yet unable to understand myself. For now, I am the Scarlet Gypsy; roaming from place to place, from thought to thought, until I can find myself under all the dust.
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