Vagabond Sphinx

So, You Want To Go To Hell...
Well, I just had an interesting argument with a "friend" of mine. Unfortunately, Facebook deleted her account and messages before I could get a good copy of them. It was quite interesting.

It started off simple, with her asking me to go to her church with her tomorrow...
I declined, because of work and... Well, most churches find people like me to be evil =D
Well, apparently that's why she wants me to go.

It's been a while since I've had anybody tell me that I need to be saved. And it's the first time, I think, that I've been told that I need to "fix myself" and become a straight girl.

The conversation ended with her claiming that her Mom was going to get the pastor of their church to come pick me up at 8:30 sharp tomorrow morning. Shortly after that, her account got deleted along with all her posts.

It made me feel a bit bad for her, really. She's been controlled by her Mom for years. She's not really the religious fanatic, her Mom is. And she does and says what her Mom wants. She didn't even try and hide it in her posts, and friends of mine that know her Mom have told me that it's not just a cover. She's a puppet. I mean, sure. She's religious as well, and she does have her issues... But if it wasn't for her Mom, I think she'd be a nicer person.

I also realized just how lucky I am. I have such potential to be discriminated against, especially by the overly-religious. And yet, it hasn't really happened.
The biggest case of discrimination I've had was by this girl in middle school who was certifiably crazy. She kept going on about how her family was the last in a line of "famous witch hunters", and it was their goal to burn all the witches. She was the kind of person who would yell insults at me from across the street if she saw me, and threatened me to my face. Luckily, it was all empty threats. I probably should have been scared, considering the potential she had for actually hurting me... But I just held my head high and kept walking.
And, until tonight, I don't think I've ever really been discriminated against for liking women. I mean, I've met people who don't agree, and people who think it's a choice... But I'd never really met anybody who has told me to change, that I need to stop "sinning" and follow the way of God and be straight.

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posted by Scarlet Gypsy @ Saturday, April 19, 2008  
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